The SOURCE offers a variety of programs to support and expand undergraduate research opportunities. Find more detailed information about each program below.
Visit our home page for upcoming deadlines and application links.
Programs for Early Student Research Development
SOURCE Explore Program
Description: Hands-on, short term research experiences for first- and second-year students.
Student Eligibility: First- and second-year students with no prior research experience.
Award Goals: Introduce early-stage students to research through hands-on workshops to build preliminary skills. Students will communicate workshop results to other Explore program cohorts.
Application Cycles/Grant Period: Faculty/staff apply in September; students apply in November for Explore workshops held in late January-February.
Funding Amount: $250 for student participants; $1000 for faculty/staff program facilitators
Application Requirements: Short answer essay responses; unofficial transcript; resume
CFSA-SOURCE Emerging Research Fellows
Description: Guided, in-depth development for first-year students with a significant interest in research and creative work.
Student Eligibility: First year undergraduate students with a strong interest in research and a minimum GPA of 3.75
Award Goals: Support early-stage students through individual and group-mentoring in early research and creative engagement development over two years. In collaboration with CFSA, students will also receive mentorship in identifying and applying for nationally competitive scholarships to help further their education and career goals.
Application Cycles/Grant Period: Late March/early April with decisions made late April.
Funding Amount: $7000 available over two years; $750 for faculty mentors
Application Requirements: Short answer essay responses; unofficial transcript; description of 3 potential mentors; brief recommendation from a course instructor (need not be potential mentor)
SOURCE Faculty Research Assistant Grant
Description: Faculty-led research projects that allow undergraduate students to develop key research skills within their discipline through paid research assistant positions.
Student Eligibility: First, second, and third-year students not currently on another SOURCE award. Faculty Mentors must have full-time, tenured or tenure-track appointments; faculty with other full-time appointments may be eligible with department chair approval.
Award Goals: Introduce early-stage students to research and build their research skills by working as a research assistant with a faculty mentor, with particular focus on humanities, social sciences, arts, communications, journalism, or management fields. Students will engage in meaningful work and learn about research methodologies and design in the discipline; faculty mentors will advance their research agenda.
Application Cycles/Grant Period: Faculty mentors apply in September and February; students apply for open RA positions through Handshake in November and April. Mentors set their own grant period, up to 3 semesters.
Funding Amount: $16/hour on payroll for undergraduate RAs; faculty mentors may apply for 1-3 RAs for work in up to 3 semesters
Application Requirements: Short answer essay responses; CV
Funding for Student Research
SOURCE Bridge Award
Description: Short-term, renewable support for students at all levels to pursue mentored research experiences.
Student Eligibility: Open to all years, graduating seniors are not eligible to apply in the semester that they are graduating
Award Goals: Provide short-term, renewable support for mentored research experiences with clearly defined skill-building objectives. This program is perfect for students just getting started with research, completing a thesis or capstone project, presenting at a conference, and more.
Application Cycles/Grant Period: Three application cycles a year: mid July, late October, early April; funding becomes available at the start of the next semester.
Funding Amount: $2000 a semester (students may apply for funding up to 3 times); $250 for faculty mentors
Application Requirements: Short-answer essays that address the overall topic and plan for finding appropriate sources, skills to be developed, and a specific research plan; budget document; unofficial transcript; resume
SOURCE Fellowship
Description: Funding for original and student-led research and creative projects that will substantially develop a student’s research skills, engage with methods of their discipline, and culminate in a deliverable appropriate to the field of study.
Student Eligibility: Second-year and above students; Honors students in 3rd year or above are not eligible and should apply for Honors Crown Awards.
Award Goals: Provide funding for major and original research and creative projects that will substantially develop a student’s research skills, engage with methods of their discipline, and culminate with a deliverable appropriate to the field of study. Students will be guided by a faculty mentor, but the student will lead the design and implementation of the project.
Application Cycles/Grant Period: Application due in February. Grant period will be the following summer and/or summer + academic year, or academic year only.
Funding Amount: Depending on project budget, up to $3200 for summer only; up to $7500 for summer + academic year, or up to $5000 for academic year only. Students may apply even if they do not need funding. Faculty mentors receive $750 in research funds.
Application Requirements: 5 page project proposal, resume, unofficial transcript, mentor recommendation.
Patricia A. Wood, M.D., Ph.D., Spinoza Award
Description: Supports undergraduate research that explores philosophical aspects of issues that arise within the sciences or other professional disciplines.
The Patricia A. Wood, M.D., Ph.D., Spinoza Award is selected from the SOURCE Bridge and/or Fellowship applicant pool. Please refer to those awards for guidance on student eligibility, application requirements, and selection criteria.
Presentation and Recognition Opportunities
SOURCE Symposia
Description: Annual events (Fall Expo, Spring Showcase, Summer Symposium) that bring together students from all disciplines to share and showcase their research and creative work.
Student Eligibility: Any research-active student may present, whether affiliated with the SOURCE or not.
Goals: Provide a lively and interdisciplinary forum for students to share their research and creative work in all stages. Students may present work in progress; students will both share their own projects and engage with the other student presenters. Presentation formats include: posters, interactive displays, and “Orange Talks” (oral presentations).
Application Cycles/Grant Period: Registration forms due in November for Fall Expo, February for Spring Showcase, and July for Summer Symposium.
Funding Amount: None.
Application Requirements: Brief registration form with information about the project. Orange Talks: short answer questions about prior oral presentation experience and plans for oral presentation.
ACC Meeting of the Minds Conference
Description: Travel for an inter-university undergraduate research conference to represent SU and present research or creative work.
Student Eligibility: Student of any level with an advanced research or creative project ready to share partial or complete results.
Award Goals: The Meeting of the Minds (MoM) Conference brings together students from all institutions in the Atlantic Coast Conference to showcase their research or creative work, learn from peers at other colleges and universities, and network among scholars and students at the conference. The SU MoM representatives will engage in preparation sessions to build their presentation skills in advance of the event.
Application Cycles/Grant Period: Application due in January; conference is held in March or April.
Funding Amount: Fully funded conference travel with SU students and staff.
Application Requirements: Short answer essay questions; mentor recommendation.
CFSA-SOURCE Graduation Recognition
Description: Recognition for students that have participated in undergraduate research and/or national fellowships programs. *Begins Spring 2025*
Student Eligibility: Any student may apply after fulfilling requirements.
Award Goals: Recognize any student who has achieved benchmarks related to research and/or submission of national fellowship applications.
Application Cycles/Grant Period: Application due in April for May graduation.
Funding Amount: Graduation cord.
Application Requirements: Submission of documentation for completion of activities, response to short answer reflection questions.