Undergraduate student research and creative projects may be produced by students at all levels in classes, labs, recitals, as part of a distinction or thesis program or independently. Participating in undergraduate research helps you apply what you are learning in class, find a mentor, improve your critical thinking and problem-solving skills, and pursue a topic that fascinates you.

SOURCE Upcoming Spring Deadlines

Bridge Award (Funding for Summer 2025)

  • Short-term, renewable support for students at all levels to pursue mentored research experiences (up to $2,000)

CFSA-SOURCE Emerging Research Fellows 

  • Guided, in-depth development for first-year students with a significant interest in research and creative work. Funding is available, up to $7,000, over the two years of the program.

CFSA-SOURCE Graduation Recognition 

  • Recognition for students that have participated in undergraduate research and/or national fellowships programs. Students that meet all requirements will receive a cord to wear at commencement.

Undergraduate Research FAQs

Undergraduate research work takes many forms but all follow a similar structure:

  • Beginning with a sense of curiosity in the exploration of a topic of interest
  • An understanding of the current landscape of a scholarly, professional or creative field of study.
  • Designing of a study or project using the methods and tools of a discpline to present evidence that responds to a question or theme.
  • All undergraduate research students are supported by a faculty mentor in their field.
  • Student research and creative projects may be produced by students at all levels in classes, labs, recitals, as part of a distinction or thesis program, or independently. 

Participating in undergraduate research allows you to:

  • Apply your knowledge to real-world problems and issues
  • Develop a strong faculty mentor relationship
  • Improve your problem-solving and creative thinking skills
  • Explore potential career areas
  • Develop skills you can use on the job market or in grad school
  • Explore a topic you find fascinating and participate in the creation of new knowledge

  • Students are guided by a faculty mentor (typically a tenured or tenure-track professor) or research staff member.
  • In humanities, communications/journalism, business/management, social sciences, arts: students work as part of a research team or one-on-one with a professor to either assist with an ongoing project or design an independent project.
  • In STEM fields: students work as part of a lab team, led by a professor (or Primary Investigator, “PI”): students assist with ongoing projects and may take leadership on part of the lab’s work.
  • Students may also work off-campus, with a community organization, another university, or do research as part of the study abroad experience.

Jot down a few notes in response to these prompts:

  • Readings or lectures from a class that sparked your interest and made you want to learn more or share with a friend
  • Problems or issues that you’d like to contribute to solving or improving
  • Gaps in your education
  • Skills that you’re interested in developing
  • Passions, hobbies, and personal interests
  • Goals or outcomes that could build your portfolio and be shared with a future employer or graduate school

Connect with others

  • Talk to your professors during their office hours about how they first discovered their research interests
  • Get inspired at a student research presentation event on campus: the SOURCE Fall Expo, Spring Showcase, or Summer Symposium, or a school/college event
  • Go to lectures and talks on campus and ask questions
  • Chat with fellow students doing research (you could start with SOURCE Student Research Mentors) about how they found their focus
  • If you have a specific post-graduate goal (career, graduate study, etc.), speak with career and academic advisors about the skills you should be building